Jun.21-23 2019
Keynote Speakers

Keynote speaker

Nur Islami.jpg

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nur Islami

Physics PMIPA Department Universitas Riau, Indonesia

Research Area:Hydrogeophysics for Environmental

Title:Integrated of geophysical and hydrochemical methods to investigate the geothermal potential: A case study from Rokan Hulu, Indonesia


Renewable energy is the main solution in facing the global warming and the word energy crisis. Geothermal is one of the renewable energy without any effects to the global warming. The purpose of this study is to model geothermal potential using the integrated geoelectrical resistivity and magnetic survey method. A simple approach was proposed in this study, which is the relationship between the direct resistivity measurements with the earth material, so that it will reduce the ambiguity in the interpretation of resistivity data. From geoelectrical resistivity data, it can be seen that the study area consist of metasediment rocks, sedimentary rocks and fracture zone of the rocks. These fracture zone is oriented towards the south, which is the massive igneous rock can be found as far as 8 km from the hot spring. While the geomagnetic data indicates that the research area contains a possibility of the hot zone which is the main source of geothermal energy. In conclusion, the study area has potential to be developed in generating geothermal energy resources. 


Countdown: 0 Days
Important Dates

Submission: June 17,2019

Notification: About 2 weeks after the submission

Conference: June 21-23,2018

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