A.Prof. Chunli Zheng
Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, China
Research Area:
Biodegradation of organic pollutants; Removal and recovery of heavy metals from aqueous solution; Development of new functional sorbents and their application
Research experience:
2016.12-2017.12: Visiting scholar in Nebraska-Lincoln University, USA
2016.1-Present: Associate professor, doctoral student advisor, Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China.
2011.01-2015.12: Lecturer, master student advisor, Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China.
2009.3-2010.4: Assistant researcher, institute of Environmental Systems Research, University of Osnabrueck, Germany
2007.10-2009.02: Post-doctor in Chemical Engineering and Technology Post-doctoral Research Center, Dalian University of Technology, China
2003.9-2007.8: Ph.D. in Environmental Science, School of Environmental and Biological Science and Technology, Dalian University of Technology, China
l Editor: Journal of Water Resource and Protection since 2010
l NSFC (National Natural Science Foundation of China) proposal reviewer since 2017
l Reviewer for the top-ranking academic journals in the field of environmental science and engineering including Water Research, Separation and Purification Technology, Journal of Environmental Engineering, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, etc.
PUBLICATIONS (Selected) (h-Index = 10, citations = 343 as of 01/17/2017; 31 peer-reviewed journal papers; 1 book chapters)
1. Zheng, C.L. (50%), Feng, S.S., Wang, Q.R., Liu, P.P., Shen, Z.X., Liu, H.X. and Yang, L. 2016. [Application of SPME-GC/MS to study the sorption of organophosphate esters on peat soil]. [Water Air Soil Pollut.]; 227 (236):1-12.
2. Zheng, C.L. (50%), Feng, S.S., Liu, P.P., Fries, E., Wang, Q.R., Shen, Z.X., Liu, H.X. and Zhang, T.C. 2016. [Sorption of organophosphate flame retardants on Pahokee peat soil]. [Clean-Soil, Air, Water]; 44 (9): 1085-1260.
3. Zheng, C.L. (50%), Du, M.M., Feng, S.S., Sun, H.X., Li, A., He, C., Zhang, T.C., Wang, Q.R. and Wei, W. 2016. [Hydrophobic Conjugated Microporous Polymers for Sorption of Human Serum Albumin]. [Appl. Surf. Sci.]; 364 (1): 15-20.
4. Zheng, C.L. (50%), Feng, S.S., Wang, Q.R. and Du, M.M. 2016. [Adsorption thermodynamics of metronidazole on the conjugated microporous polymers]. [J. Residuals. Sci. Tech.]; 13 (S1): S101-S105.
5. Zhen, X.S., Sun, J., Cao, J.J., Zhang, L.M., Zhang, Q., Lei, Y.L., Gao, J.J., Huang, R.J., Liu, S.X., Huang, Y., Zhu, C.S., Xu, H.M.,Zheng, C.L. (5%), Liu, P.P., and Xue, Z.G. 2016. [Chemical profiles of urban fugitive dust PM2.5 samples in Northern Chinese cities]. [Sci. Total. Environ.]; 569-570: 619-626.
6. Zheng, C.L. (50%), Du, M.M., Li, F., Qi, Y., and Yi, J. 2015. [Selective adsorption of metronidazole on conjugated microporous polymers]. [Sci. Chi. Chem.]; 58: 1227-1234.
7. Zhou, Y., Zheng, C.L. (20%), Cao, H., Lia, X.Z. and Sha, J.B. 2012. [Measurement of hemoglobin in whole blood using a partial least squares regression model with selected second derivative near infrared transmission spectral signals]. [Biochem. Bioph. Res. Co.]; 420 (1): 205-209.
8. Wei, Y., Zheng, C.L.* (20%), Liu, Y.L. and Guo, L.J. 2011. [A novel dual-bed photocatalytic water splitting system for hydrogen production]. [Int. J. Hydrogen Energy]; 36 (13): 7405-7409.
9. Zheng, C.L. (50%), Fock, A., Ellebrake, K., Eggers, T. and Fries, E. 2011. [Sorption of ortho-phenylphenol to soils]. [Clean-Soil, Air, Water]; 39 (2): 116-120.
10. Zheng, C.L (50%), Zhou, J.T., Qu, B.C., Wang, J., Lu, H. and Zhao, H.X. 2009. [Aerobic degradation of 2-picolinic acid by a nitrobenzene-assimilating strain: streptomyces sp. Z2]. [Bioresource Technol.]; 100 (6): 2082-2084.
Selected Grants: 1) In situ infrared spectroscopy combined with the partial least square to study the degradation pathway of picolinic acid. NSFC, RMB 260,000, 01/14-12/16. PI, 100% award; 2) Study on the selective adsorption of organic pollutants by superhydrophobic/superoleophilic Conjugated Microporous Polymers. Department of Science and Technology of Shaanxi Province, RMB 150,000, 01/14-12/16. PI, 100% award; 3) Fabrication of superhydrophobic micro/meso porous zeolite and its selective adsorption for antibiotics-loaded water. Xi’an Jiaotong University, RMB 120,000, 01/16-12/17. PI, 100% award; 4) Application of polyparameter linear free energy relationship to the sorption behavior of phosphate esters on soil. Chinese Postdoctoral Science Foundation, RMB 50,000, 12/16-12/18. PI, 100% award; 5) Study on structure tuning of superhydrophobic and superoleophilic conjugated microporous polymers and its application in the treatment of coking wastewater. Xi’an Jiaotong University, RMB 80,000, 01/12-12/15. PI, 100% award.
Patents: two invention patents and three patents for utility mode which are authorized by State Intellectual Property Office of the P.R.C.
Outstanding Class Teacher in Xi’an Jiaotong University in 2014.
Science and Technology Award in Shaanxi Colleges and Universities in 2017, first prize.