Jun.21-23 2019
Latest News

Dr. Huan Xi 
Xi’an Jiaotong University/School of Energy and Power Engineering,China

Research Area:

Thermodynamic systems for low temperature waste heat recovery.

Research experience:

Dr. Huan Xi received his bachelor’s degree of environment engineering at Xi’an Jiaotong University in 2010 and received his doctor's degree of engineering thermophysics at Xi’an Jiaotong University in 2017. His Ph.D dissertation advisor is Prof.Yaling He. He is also the visiting student of Queen Mary University of London during Jan.2016 and July.2016.

Dr. Huan Xi has been working as lecturer in Xi’an Jiaotong University since 2017. Currently he is interested in the research and development of ORC system, focus on modeling & analysis & optimization and experiment study related to ORC system. Dr. Huan Xi has hosted several projects, including a project of National Natural Science Foundation of China and a project of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. He has published more than 10 academic papers, one of them has been included in ESI (Essential Science Indicators) as the “research front”.

Countdown: 0 Days
Important Dates

Submission: June 17,2019

Notification: About 2 weeks after the submission

Conference: June 21-23,2018

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