Jun.21-23 2019
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Murdoch University Discipline of Engineering and Energy

Research Area:

Power systems, smart grid, microgrid, application and control of renewable energies

Research experience:

Dr Farhad Shahnia received his PhD in Electrical Engineering from Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, in 2012. He is currently a Senior Lecturer at Murdoch University. Before that, he was a Lecturer at Curtin University (2012-15), a research scholar at QUT (2008-11), and an R&D engineer at the Eastern Azarbayjan Electric Power Distribution Company, Iran (2005-08). He is currently a Senior Member of IEEE and a Member of the Engineers Australia, Electric Energy Society of Australia and the Australasian Association for Engineering Education.

Dr Shahnia's research falls under Distribution networks, Microgrid and Smart grid concepts. He has authored one book and 13 book chapters and 100+ peer-reviewed scholarly articles in international conferences and journals, as well as being an editor of 6 books.

Dr Shahnia has won 5 Best Paper Awards in various conferences and has also received the IET Premium Award for the Best Paper published in the IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution journal in 2015. One of his articles was listed under the top-25 most cited articles in the Electric Power System Research Journal in 2015 while one of his 2015 journal articles has been listed under the top-5 most read articles of the Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. He was the recipient of the Postgraduate Research Supervisor Award from Curtin University in 2015 and the Australia-China Young Scientist Exchange Award from the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering in 2016.

Dr Shahnia is currently an Associate Editor of three journals and has served 35+ conferences in various roles such as General, Technical, Publication, Publicity, Award, Sponsorship, and Special Session Chairs.

Countdown: 0 Days
Important Dates

Submission: June 17,2019

Notification: About 2 weeks after the submission

Conference: June 21-23,2018

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